Saturday, July 26, 2008

Marin and her dad spent some quality time together today. Here is a short video of Marin talking to her dad!

Friday, July 11, 2008

A lot has happened in the past two months, and I apologize for not keeping this site updated. Marin has been growing like a weed and has started to become much more active. In the past two weeks, she has started rolling from her back to her tummy. She hasn't figured out how to roll back onto her back, which upsets her as she doesn't particularly like being on her belly. She continues to sleep REALLY well at night. Typically she gets about 10 hours of straight sleep, which is wonderful for Patrick and I. She also takes nice long naps during the day which gives me a little time to get things done around the house and also get some work done as I am still working one day a week from home.
Marin most recently got to meet her great Aunt Patty and Uncle Jimmie and also got to spend some time with her Great Grandmother. I also took her on a trip to Cincinnati for a long weekend. It was just me, Marin and the two dogs and she did really well in the car for the four hour drive.
Marin has been much less fussy these past weeks and has been such a joy to have around. I think Patrick and I take it for granted how good a baby she really is.